Tap into students' metacognitive skills and get them to think about their thinking! This lesson encourages students to pay attention to the strategies they use while supporting math fluency!
Students will be able to explore and build on familiar mathematical strategies to increase fluency when adding multi-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments
(10 minutes)
Read aloud the short passage to students. Make sure you read the passage fluently (with expression, accuracy, and appropriate pace).
Ask the students if they were able to understand what you read. Have the students turn and talk to a partner, sharing their answer.
Read the passage aloud again. This time read with little expression, stumbling over words, and super fast.
Write the word "fluency" on the board. Have students turn and talk to a partner, this time explaining what they think the word fluency means.
Allow a few students to share out.
Clarify that the word fluency, when talking about reading fluency, means reading a text accurately, quickly, and with expression.
Tell the students that today they will be learning about math fluency! On the whiteboard, write the following definition of math fluency:
Math fluency is...
The ability to use different strategies to solve math problems accurately.
Changing your strategy along the way if something is not working.
Understanding the strategy you used so well that you can explain how you solved the problem.
Provide students with a recording of a short passage read fluently and not fluently in their home language (L1)
Have a bilingual older peer who speaks the same home language (L1) or another educator read the short passage fluently and not fluently in student's L1.
Provide sentence frames to support students in sharing their ideas, such as:
I understood what was said because ________.
I didn't understand what was said because ________.
Create a phrase bank on the whiteboard and include phrases like: the text was read too fast, the text was read too slow, the text was read so I could understood, the text was read with many errors, etc.
Have students turn and talk to an elbow partner, summarizing what math fluency is in their own words.