Lesson Plan

Let's Play Equivalent Fractions!

Fractions can be tricky, but looking at them visually can help your students understand them. This lesson will help students with equivalent fractions, number lines, and making real world connections.
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Need extra help for EL students? Try the Explaining Equivalent Fractions pre-lesson.
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Need extra help for EL students? Try the Explaining Equivalent Fractions pre-lesson.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to identify and represent equivalent fractions using visual fraction models.

The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments


(5 minutes)
Equivalent Fractions
  • Put students in groups of 3.
  • Give each group a different amount of candy in multiples of 3.
  • Instruct students to divide the candy evenly in the group.
  • Have each group share how many pieces each person ends up with.

Beginning: Have students work with supportive non-ELs or an EL with the same home language (L1), if possible.

Intermediate: Display student-friendly definitions, images, and examples for the words multiples and divide.

  • Provide a sentence frame to support student sharing, such as "Each person had ________ pieces of candy."