Lesson Plan

Making Predictions Lesson

This lesson thoughtfully scaffolds the reading skill of predicting. Students are introduced to the concept and get to practice making predictions. They will apply what they have learned during a focused independent reading activity.
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Need extra help for EL students? Try the Make a Prediction pre-lesson.
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Need extra help for EL students? Try the Make a Prediction pre-lesson.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to practice making predictions and support their thinking with evidence from the text.

The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments


(10 minutes)
Learning to Make PredictionsMatching PredictionsMake Predictions During Independent ReadingWriting Passages and Making Predictions
  • Tell your students that you are going to be playing a quick game that involves making predictions. Explain that you are going to re-enter the room and provide clues as to what you are going to do next. They are to make a prediction about what will happen next. Here are two scenarios:
    • Re-enter the classroom and go directly to pick up your class read-aloud book (or any book that you might read to them), put on reading glasses (if you have them), and situate a stool or chair that you might use for read aloud time. Then, stop and ask your students to predict what you are going to do next (read aloud). Ask them to provide observations or clues that support their prediction.
    • Re-enter the classroom. Get a kickball (or other playground equipment) from your storage area, get your whistle and/or room key, and put on your coat. Have the class make a prediction about what might happen next and support it with evidence.
  • If neither of these work, come up with a scenario or two that fit your class routine/culture. You could act as if you are getting ready to administer a test, do a craft, or something similar. Again, have students make a guess based on evidence and share.
  • Explain that as readers, we can use clues to predict what is going to happen in the story. It doesn’t really matter whether your prediction is correct or not. What’s important is that you are paying attention to the clues and thinking about what might happen next.
  • Doing this will help you understand the story and get more enjoyment out of reading.
  • Tell them that in this lesson, they will practice using clues to make predictions.


  • Provide additional examples of predictions. Use basic pictures to make predictions about scenarios.
  • Allow students to record observations on a concept web in their home language (L1).


  • Review the definition of prediction and give examples of predictions we make in our everyday lives. For example, we predict what others are feeling based on clues, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language.
  • Display a sentence frame for students to use when sharing their observations in the game. For example, "I think ________ will happen next because ___________."