Lesson Plan

All About Angles

In this lesson, students will use a multi-sensory approach by engaging in a hands on activity with toothpicks to create, explore, and learn about the properties of four different types of angles.
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Learning Objectives

Students will learn the characteristics of 4 different angles and use this information to identify and draw the angles.


(15 minutes)
  • Tell students that today they will be learning about 4 different types of angles.
  • Begin your presentation with a right angle. Demonstrate how a right angle measures 90 degrees with a protractor. Ask students to name some items in the room with a right angle. Example: the corner of a book, the corner on the window.
  • Introduce the other angles by referring to and comparing them to the right angle.
  • Tell students that an acute angle is smaller than a right angle, or under 90 degrees, and that an obtuse angle is wider than a right angle, or greater than 90 degrees.
  • Tell students that when an angle measures exactly 180 degrees, it just looks like a straight line and is referred to as a straight angle.
  • Create an anchor chart with the 4 angles that lists their characteristics. Ask the students to help you create a T-chart on the whiteboard or the document camera and write down how the angles are similar and how they are different.
  • Discuss and check for understanding.