Getting ready to add fractions? This lesson reviews how to add fractions with unlike denominators using number lines. Students will focus on understanding the process and reasoning behind each step.
Students will be able to add fractions with unlike denominators using a number line.
The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments
(5 minutes)
Provide a scenario for the students that involves 4/5 + 1/5. For example, say, "There are two pies. Four-fifths of the pie left over is apple and one-fifth of the pie left over is pumpkin. How much pie is left over?" Ask students to solve for the problem on their whiteboards using whatever method they choose.
Have students share their answers with their elbow partner. Gather their background knowledge by asking them questions about the numerator, denominator, and how they got their answer, and have them show whatever drawings they created.
Ask for a volunteer to come to the board and solve the problem using a number line.
Tell students that today they'll build on their understanding of adding fractions with like denominators to add fractions with unlike denominators.
Allow students to use their home language (L1) or new language (L2) in their discussions.
Read the scenario for them and have them draw visuals to represent the fractions listed in word problem.
Have them copy the student markings on their whiteboard and speak to a sympathetic partner about what the markings represent.
Write the academic language they can use throughout the lesson on the board as you introduce the language. For example, the words "fraction," "number lines," "numerator," and "denominator."
Have them explain in partnerships how they solved the problem using academic language and transition words (e.g., "First, I ________").