Students begin their informational writing process by gathering information through research. They will use a graphic organizer to record important information and sources and reflect on how to present the information.
Help students develop their understanding of the informational writing process with this lesson that guides them through the research stage of the process. Students will review how to identify credible sources and practice gathering relevant information that they will record on a graphic organizer.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to gather relevant information from a variety of sources as part of the research and prewriting process for an informational essay.
(2 minutes)
Activate prior knowledge by asking students to think about a time they have conducted research in their lives, whether for school or personal interests.
Ask them to think about what type of obstacles or successes they experienced throughout their research. Students may share about difficulty finding trusted sources, an overwhelming amount of information, or an easy answer to their question.
Tell the class that they will begin the research and prewriting process for an informational essay in class.