Second Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 2

Week 2 of our Second Grade Fall Review Packet features five days of engaging learning activities designed to help students prepare for their second grade debut. Including topics in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and more, this workbook will help learners review key curriculum from first grade as they get ready for a new year of learning. Learners will practice making inferences and predictions, dive into creative writing, review place value and inverse operations, explore timelines, and much more.
(65 pages, file size 10.1 MB)
Reading & WritingGrammarLanguage and VocabularyLanguageCompound WordsStructure of Compound WordsMeaning of Compound WordsGrammar and MechanicsParts of SpeechPrepositionsAdjectivesCapitalizationCapitalizing Proper NounsPunctuationPluralsContractionsSentence StructureComplete SentencesPhonicsLetter SoundsDecoding WordsSpellingHigh Frequency WordsSight WordsReadingReading Comprehension StrategiesUsing Text FeaturesNonfiction Text FeaturesComprehension QuestionsFiction Comprehension QuestionsMaking PredictionsMaking Predictions in FictionReading FluencyReading Genres and TypesFictionPoemsNonfictionWritingNonfiction WritingResearch WritingNarrative WritingWriting Organization and StructureSequencingWriting ProcessGenre Writing ScienceEarth & Space ScienceWeather & SeasonsNature Activities Social studiesU.S. HistoryHistory MathSubtractionMulti-Digit SubtractionTwo-Digit Subtraction and RegroupingTwo-Digit SubtractionSubtraction and Missing NumbersMath Word ProblemsAddition Word ProblemsTwo-Digit Addition Word ProblemsAdditionMulti-Digit AdditionTwo-Digit by One-Digit AdditionTwo-Digit Addition and RegroupingTwo-Digit AdditionAddition StrategiesAddition and Counting OnRepeated AdditionAddition FactsAddition Within 100Addition Within 20Addition and Missing AddendsNumber SenseTwo-Digit Numbers
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