Second Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 4

Help your learner get ready to tackle second grade with Week 4 of our Second Grade Fall Review Packet. Children will practice using a glossary to locate information, complete a subtraction maze, research and write about their favorite animal, sort and color 3D shapes, and much more. With practice activities in a wide range of subjects, this workbook will help students review key concepts from the prior year and prepare them for a brand new year of learning.
(68 pages, file size 12 MB)
Reading & WritingGrammarLanguage and VocabularyLanguageCompound WordsMeaning of Compound WordsStructure of Compound WordsPhonicsLetter SoundsDecoding WordsSyllablesHearing SyllablesWord PatternsGrammar and MechanicsCapitalizationCapitalizing Proper NounsSentence StructureSpellingSight WordsHigh Frequency WordsSpelling StrategiesReadingReading Comprehension StrategiesSequencing EventsSequencing in FictionUsing Text FeaturesNonfiction Text FeaturesComprehension QuestionsFiction Comprehension QuestionsNonfiction Comprehension QuestionsSummarizingSummarizing Fiction TextsWho What When Where Why QuestionsFact vs. OpinionReading Genres and TypesFictionNonfictionEarly LiteracyEarly Writing PracticeWritingNonfiction WritingNarrative WritingResearch WritingOpinion WritingArgument WritingWriting Organization and StructureSequencingWriting ProcessGenre Writing ScienceLife SciencePlants, Animals, and the Earth Social studiesCivics & GovernmentNational SymbolsHistoryU.S. History Offline gamesMazes MathFractionsFraction Models2D Shapes and FractionsEqual SharesData and GraphingGraphing DataBar GraphsGeometry2D ShapesTrapezoidsRectanglesSquaresTriangles3D ShapesComposing ShapesSubtractionSubtraction Facts
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