Third Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 1

Week 1 of our Third Grade Fall Review Packet features five days of learning activities designed to prepare students for their third grade year. This workbook includes topics in reading, writing, grammar, math, science, social studies, and more, each laid out in convenient daily schedules. Learners will review fact families, make predictions while reading short stories, learn about animal classification, make a sundial, and complete many other practice activities to help prepare them for key skills in the third grade curriculum.
(67 pages, file size 8.7 MB)
Reading & WritingGrammarGrammar and MechanicsParts of SpeechVerbsIrregular VerbsPast Tense VerbsAdverbsPunctuationPluralsIrregular Plural FormsApostrophesSentence StructureComplete SentencesReadingReading Comprehension StrategiesMaking PredictionsMaking Predictions in FictionCause and EffectIdentifying Cause and Effect in FictionComprehension QuestionsNonfiction Comprehension QuestionsFiction Comprehension QuestionsIdentifying the Main IdeaIdentifying the Main Idea in NonfictionWho What When Where Why QuestionsReading Genres and TypesFictionNonfictionWritingNonfiction WritingOpinion WritingEssay WritingResearch WritingWriting Organization and StructurePersuasive Essay StructureInformative Essay StructureWriting ProcessGenre Writing MathNumber SenseThree-Digit NumbersPatterns in Three-Digit NumbersComparing Three-Digit NumbersNumber PatternsSkip Counting AdditionAddition FactsAddition Within 20Addition Within 100Addition Within 10Multi-Digit AdditionThree-Digit AdditionTwo-Digit AdditionAddition StrategiesComposing and Decomposing NumbersAddition and Missing AddendsSubtractionSubtraction Facts Subtraction Within 20Subtraction Within 10Multi-Digit SubtractionTwo-Digit SubtractionTwo-Digit Subtraction and RegroupingSubtraction StrategiesSubtraction and Missing NumbersMath Word ProblemsSubtraction Word ProblemsTwo-Digit Subtraction Word ProblemsAddition Word ProblemsTwo-Digit Addition Word ProblemsMultiplicationMultiplication StrategiesMultiplication and Repeated AdditionMultiplication with ArraysMixed OperationsMixed Addition and SubtractionSubtraction and Inverse OperationsFact Families
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