Fourth Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 4

Week 4 of our Fourth Grade Fall Review Packet features five more days of learning activities designed to prepare students for their fourth grade year. This workbook includes topics in reading, writing, grammar, math, science, social studies, and more, each laid out in convenient daily schedules. Learners will review the use of metaphors in poetry, practice finding elapsed time using a number line, explore time zones around the world, and complete many more practice activities to help prepare them for fourth grade curriculum.
(71 pages, file size 15.2 MB)
Reading & WritingGrammarLanguage and VocabularyLanguageFigurative LanguageMetaphorsSynonyms and AntonymsVocabularyGrammar and MechanicsPunctuationCommasAlphabetical OrderParts of SpeechSpellingSpelling PatternsReadingReading Comprehension StrategiesComparing and ContrastingComparing and Contrasting in NonfictionCause and EffectIdentifying Cause and Effect in FictionComprehension QuestionsFiction Comprehension QuestionsNonfiction Comprehension QuestionsAnalyzing Story StructureText EvidenceEarly LiteracyConcepts of PrintSpacingReading Genres and TypesFictionPoemsNonfictionWritingWriting Organization and StructureSequencingParagraph StructureWriting ProcessBrainstormingNonfiction WritingInformational WritingResearch WritingFiction WritingPoetryCreative WritingGenre Writing MathNumber SenseMulti-Digit NumbersMeasurementUnits of MeasurementUS (Imperial) MeasurementMeasuring in InchesMeasuring LengthLength and Metric UnitsMeasuring WeightTimeElapsed TimeWord Problems and Elapsed TimeTime to the MinuteGeometryAreaArea of a RectangleData and GraphingGraphing DataScaled PictographsMath Word ProblemsData Word ProblemsTime Word Problems Social studiesGeographyU.S. HistoryCivics & Government Offline gamesCrosswordWord Search ScienceEarth & Space Science
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