Fifth Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 1

Prepare your child for their fifth grade year with the help of this Fifth Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 1. Curated by our team of curriculum experts, this workbook includes five full days of activities designed to engage learners and review important topics in the subjects of math, reading, writing, grammar, science, and more. As they make their way through the daily activity menus, students will hone their persuasive writing skills, learn about important women in history, explore figurative language, solve math riddles, and much more.
(82 pages, file size 8.5 MB)
Reading & WritingGrammarLanguage and VocabularyLanguageFigurative LanguageSimilesMetaphorsGrammar and MechanicsPunctuationQuotationsCapitalizationCapitalizing Proper NounsCapitalizing TitlesSentence StructureComplete SentencesPhonicsWord PatternsSuffixesReadingReading Comprehension StrategiesSummarizingSummarizing Fiction TextsMaking InferencesMaking Inferences in FictionComprehension QuestionsFiction Comprehension QuestionsNonfiction Comprehension QuestionsAnalyzing Story StructureAnalyzing CharacterIdentifying the Main IdeaIdentifying the Main Idea in NonfictionWho What When Where Why QuestionsReading Genres and TypesMythsNonfictionFictionWritingWriting ProcessRevising WritingBrainstormingNonfiction WritingEssay WritingOpinion WritingPersuasive WritingWriting Organization and StructurePersuasive Essay StructureGenre Writing MathSubtractionMulti-Digit SubtractionThree-Digit SubtractionMath Word ProblemsAddition Word ProblemsTwo-Digit Addition Word ProblemsSubtraction Word ProblemsTwo-Digit Subtraction Word ProblemsAdditionMulti-Digit AdditionThree-Digit AdditionNumber SenseThree-Digit NumbersComparing Three-Digit NumbersMulti-Digit NumbersMultiplicationMultiplication StrategiesMultiplication and Partial ProductsDivisionLong DivisionDivision with RemaindersMixed OperationsOrder of Operations
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