Science project
Discovering and Sorting Seeds in Fruits and Vegetables
In this project young children discover, identify, and sort seeds from a variety of fruits and vegetables.
- A wide variety of fruits and vegetables (include fruits/vegetables from the same family to help with understanding the idea of families, e.g. stone fruits, citrus fruits, squash, etc.)
- Child-safe knife, spoons, and other tools to help take apart fruits/vegetables
- Paper
- Markers or crayons
- Present the fruits/vegetables to be experimented with and have the child write or draw the name/picture of each fruit/vegetable, each on a separate piece of paper.
- Explain to the child that they will be hunting for seeds and that they should take apart the fruits/vegetables in whatever way they want in order to discover their seeds.
- Give the child the fruits/vegetables and the tools and let them go at it.
- When a seed(s) is discovered, have the child remove it and place it on the piece of paper labeled with the fruit/vegetable from which the seed(s) came.
- After the child has had a good long while to find seeds, have them group similar seeds together.
- Talk about what makes the seeds in each group similar and different. Do the fruits/vegetables in each group look, taste, or smell similar to each other?
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Warning is hereby given that not all Project Ideas are appropriate for all individuals or in all circumstances. Implementation of any Science Project Idea should be undertaken only in appropriate settings and with appropriate parental or other supervision. Reading and following the safety precautions of all materials used in a project is the sole responsibility of each individual. For further information, consult your state's handbook of Science Safety.