Science project

Snow to Liquid Ratio


The goal of these experiments is to learn about different types of precipitation, evaluate the density of snow and calculate the ratio of snow-to-liquid.


  • Tall, narrow can (such as the one that Pringles potato chips come in)
  • Ruler
  • Internet access


  1. After a snow fall, find an area of snow that is representative of the total snow fall. Do not choose an area where the snow has drifted. The total snow fall should not be more than the height of the can.
  2. Drop the can over the ground with the open end of the can facing down. Make sure that the can is taller than the total snow fall. Immediately pick the can up and use your ruler to measure the depth of the snow.
  3. Bring the can into your house and place it in a room temperature area. As soon as the snow has melted, measure the depth of the water in the can.
  4. Calculate the ratio of the depth of the snow to the depth of the water.
  5. Go to Note the upper air temperature.
  6. Repeat steps 1 – 5 with several different snow storms. Does the ratio of snow-to-water vary? Does the variation relate to changes in upper air temperature?
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