Science project
Do Screen and Text Color Affect Retention?
Grade Level: 4th to 8th; Type: Social Science
This experiment explores whether computer screen and text color affect retention and if people subconsciously prefer combinations of colors that help retention.
Research Questions:
- Did certain combinations of screen and text colors lead to consistently more words being remembered?
- Is there any correlation between a subject’s preferred colors and their retention?
- A computer
- Paper and pencil for tracking results
- At least 20 test subjects
Experimental Procedure:
- Create five different lists of 15 words. Each list should be equally difficult, but do not repeat any words.
- Type the lists of words so that each list appears on a different colored screen and with different colored text. Include a range of light and dark, vibrant and subdued colors.
- Allow the test subject to study a list of words for 30 seconds.
- Take the computer away and ask the subject to name as many of the words as they can remember.
- Repeat the memory test with all five lists of words.
- Record the number of words recalled for each color combination.
- Ask the subject if there was any screen/text color combination(s) that they preferred.
- Analyze the results. Did certain combinations of screen and text colors lead to a consistently higher number of words being retained? Is there any correlation between preferred colors and retention?
Terms/Concepts: screen color, text color, retention, preference
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