Fractions and decimals are way more fun when you apply them to real life scenarios, like parties, food and pets! This workbook teaches kids all about splitting up numbers.
Fractions can be a tricky concept for third graders to master, but this guided lesson can help kids get there. It provides focused instruction designed by teachers and curriculum experts that is specific to the third grade curriculum. Exercises and practical examples help kids to put fractions in context with real-world math problems. When finished with the lesson, check out our fractions worksheets for more practice.
Students have been hard at work on their fractions practice this year, so now it's time to see how far they've come. This end-of-year check-in will help you assess student understanding of simple fractions of wholes.
Week 3 of this Fourth Grade Fall Review Packet explores topics in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science for a well-rounded review of third grade curriculum.
This colorful worksheet brings fractions to a familiar place--the classroom--and gives your third grader a chance to convert words and ideas to fractions.
Search Fractions As Parts of a Whole Educational Resources
After kids gain an understanding of whole numbers, they start breaking them down into smaller pieces. Computing fractions often take multiple steps and more brain power. The Learning Library has many resources on fractions and parts of a whole such as illustrated worksheets, professional lesson plans, and plenty of other fraction practice for advancing students.
Functional Fractions and Parts of a Whole Resources
Students delve into complex numbers like fractions and decimals in third and fourth grade. Third graders learn how a fraction is represented on a number line, hone their understanding on equivalent fractions, and learn how whole numbers are written as fractions. They also learn to compare two fractions with similar numerators or denominators.
Fourth graders learn how a fraction looks like an equation and how to compare two fractions with different numerators or different denominators. They also begin to add and subtract fractions. Fourth graders learn how to multiply fractions by whole numbers. In addition, fourth graders should understand the decimal notation of fractions.
The Learning Library provides resources on fractions and parts of a whole in all these different areas. A practical way to express fractions is through images, so many of the printable worksheets are complete with visual aids. Parts of a Set: Fractions is a lesson plan that instructs students to break down a group into equal parts as an introductory assignment, while Thanksgiving Fractions is a more challenging hands-on activity for fourth graders.'s multifaceted resources ensure that students understand all the parts to fractions.