Fractions on a number line

Teaching Strategy 1

Using a Number Line

  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade

This strategy focuses on using a number line to visualize fractions.

  • 1

    Ask your child to think about how something that can’t be seen or touched, such as time, might be divided.

  • 2

    Draw a number line from 0-1.

  • 3

    Say, “What if I rode my bike for a half hour and then read a book for a half hour. How could I show that on this number line?

  • 4

    Have your child think about where to mark the half hour or ½ point on the number line.

  • 5

    Have your child think about how the hour could be further divided by asking the following questions: What if you rode your bike for 15 minutes, your scooter for 15 minutes, and then read for ½ hour?

Teaching Strategy 2

Equivalent Fractions

  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade

This strategy focuses on using a number line to visualize equivalent fractions.

  • 1

    Write “4/4” and “1” on a piece of paper. Explain that two fractions are equivalent if they are the same size, have the same value, or are at the same point on the number line.

  • 2

    Draw a number line that shows the points from 0-1.

  • 3

    Demonstrate how 4/4 is the same as 1 whole using the number line.

  • 4

    Ask your child to look at the fraction ¾ and model how ¾ is the same as ¼ + ¼ + ¼ using the number line.

  • 5

    Have your child draw a number line from 0-1 and find the equivalent fraction for 2/4 (½).

Teaching Strategy 3

Adding and Subtracting Fractions on a Number Line

  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade

This strategy focuses on using a number line to conceptualize the addition and subtraction of fractions.

  • 1

    Help your child to solve the following problem: ⅔ + ⅓ =

  • 2

    Draw a horizontal line that will be your numberline. Put arrows at both ends and a dot on the line at the far left.

  • 3

    Have your child look at the denominator (number on the bottom). That tells you what size parts you’ll be adding - in this case ⅓ or thirds. Put a 0 where the first dot is, then begin adding dots, spaced equally apart to the right. At the second dot, next to zero, put ⅓, then ⅔ at the next dot, and so on. Above 3/3 mark the number 1 above the number line since 3 thirds is the same as one whole.

  • 4

    Ask your child where the whole number 2 would go on this number line.

  • 5

    Then, to add the fractions using your number line, put your pencil at the point on the number line where the first fraction is located.

  • 6

    Then move, or “jump,” the amount indicated in the numerator of the second fraction.

  • 7

    The value where you land is the sum. The same process can be used for subtraction but you would start at the first fraction and move to the left the amount in the numerator of the second fraction.

Common Core Standards

  • 3.NF

    Number and Operations-Fractions

Practice for Fractions on a number line

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