Purchase Premium for Schools
Premium for Schools offers unlimited access to the largest online
learning library for all of your Pre-K-8th grade classrooms. Contact
our sales team if you have questions.
Purchase Order
Credit Card
We are happy to accept purchase orders from schools and other institutions.
- Payment must be received within 30 days of the invoice date. If it is not received, your school license will be cancelled.
- Each teacher account is meant for one staff member and his or her students. Accounts cannot be shared.
- Your PO must include:
- An accounts payable fax number or email address
- Your name
- Your contact email address
- The number of teacher accounts
Once the purchase order is received, we will send you an invoice and email you instructions on how to get started.
Need a copy of our signed W-9 tax form? Download it here.
Your Order
Individual teacher licenses
Price per teacher
1-4 teachers: US $150/year
5-19 teachers: US $120/year
20+ teachers: US $100/year
150 /
Due Today