Lesson Plan

Fan Fiction Finales

Help your students' favorite characters come to life in new adventures as student writers draft new endings to their favorite stories.
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Learning Objectives

Students will understand how a character's traits determine the outcome of a story and will use character analysis to create an alternate ending to a previously read book.


(10 minutes)
Fan FictionFan Fiction Finales: Alternate Story Endings
  • Gather students and ask them to think about their favorite character from a book. Ask students what it is about that character that they like so much.
  • Have students pair and share their answers.
  • After a few minutes, ask each student to share partner responses to the question.
  • Write “Character Traits” on the board and record responses from the discussion. Explain that how we describe a character, how they act, talk, or respond to situations, can be defined as character traits. Go on to say that these traits help the character to solve conflicts, or problems, in the story.
  • Tell students that today they will get a chance to help a character find a new ending to a favorite story.

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