Science project

How do Different Kinds of Natural Hair Respond to Bleach?

Research Questions:

Today, many people bleach their hair. But the result is not one uniform shade. Instead, different kinds of bleached hair turn out differently. In this experiment, we'll explore how that works.


  • Hair bleach
  • Gloves
  • Test subjects willing to provide hair samples:
    • Five blonde test subjects
    • Five black-haired test subjects
    • Five brown-haired test subjects
    • Five test subjects with thick, kinky hair
    • Five test subjects with thin, straight hair
  • Microscope
  • Timer
  • Paper and pen

Experimental Procedure:

  1. Obtain hair samples from your test subjects and organize them in small baggies. Label with the test subject's hair color or texture.
  2. Follow the instuctions on the hair bleach and bleach each hair sample.
  3. After the wait is over, examine the hair with the naked eye and under a microscope.
  4. Evaluate your results.

Terms/Concepts: Hair bleach; different hair colors.


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