Science project
Is The Ability To Wink Genetic?
Grade Level: 6th - 8th; Type: Biology- Genetics
In this experiment, we will find out if the ability to wink is genetic and also whether the “dominant” eye is also genetic or based on chance.
Winking is a form of facial expression in which one eye is closed and the other is left open for a short amount of time. Not everyone can wink and more often than not, a person can only wink one eye comfortably.
Research Questions
- Is the ability of a person to wink related to genetics?
Terms to Know
- The eye
- Winking
- Facial expression
- Test subject families, the more the better (the families should be biologically related)
- Pen and paper for notes
Experimental Procedure
- Have your test subject family all try to wink.
- Record which member of the family can wink and which can not.
- Have each member try winking both eyes and ask them which eye is easier to wink even if they can wink both.
- Record the information.
- Repeat steps 1-4 for all your test subject families.
- Evaluate whether you see any trends presented in the abilities to wink of each family.
Suggested Chart
Families |
Family Member |
Can he/she wink? |
Which eye is easier to wink?
Family #1
Son |
Family #2
Mom |
Son |
Daughter |
Family #3
Mom |
Daughter |
- Andersen, Peter. (2007). Nonverbal Communication: Forms and Functions (2nd ed.) Waveland Press.
- Andersen, Peter. (2004). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Body Language. Alpha Publishing.
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