Second Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 1

This Second Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 1 provides five full days of learning activities in reading, writing, math, and other fun topics. Designed for children entering second grade, this workbook is a great way to prepare your child for a new school year as they complete a wide range of practice activities that have been broken down into convenient daily schedules. Learners will practice reading comprehension while learning about bats, hone creative writing skills completing sentences about their friends, learn about and color the monarch butterfly, complete a maze by counting by 5s, and more.
(60 pages, file size 7.5 MB)
Reading & WritingGrammarGrammar and MechanicsParts of SpeechVerbsSubject-Verb AgreementPresent Tense VerbsSentence StructureComplete SentencesPunctuationEnding PunctuationSpellingSight WordsHigh Frequency WordsLanguage and VocabularyVocabularyReadingReading Comprehension StrategiesComprehension QuestionsFiction Comprehension QuestionsUsing Text FeaturesNonfiction Text FeaturesIdentifying the Main IdeaIdentifying the Main Idea in FictionEarly LiteracyEarly Writing PracticeReading Genres and TypesFictionWritingNonfiction WritingOpinion WritingNarrative WritingPersuasive WritingWriting Organization and StructureSequencingWriting ProcessCreating a TitleGenre Writing MathNumber SenseNumber PatternsSkip Counting Skip Counting by 5sNumbers 0-10Writing Numbers 0-10Counting Numbers 1-10SubtractionSubtraction Facts Subtraction Within 10Subtraction Within 20Subtraction and Missing NumbersSubtraction StrategiesAdditionMulti-Digit AdditionTwo-Digit Addition and RegroupingTwo-Digit AdditionAddition StrategiesComposing and Decomposing NumbersAddition and Counting OnAddition FactsAddition Within 20Addition Within 10MultiplicationMultiplication StrategiesMultiplication and Skip CountingMixed OperationsMixed Addition and SubtractionAddition and Inverse OperationsSubtraction and Inverse OperationsFact Families
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