One way to tackle division is to turn it into multiplication. In this exercise, read the division question — then ask yourself a multiplication question!
This independent study packet features 5 days of independent activities in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies for fourth grade. This is week 1 of the set.
These math worksheets apply multiplication to the real world with interactive games and word problems that address multiplying double-digit numbers, place values and the properties of operations.
There are many strategies that can be employed to multiply and divide larger numbers. Students will deepen their conceptual knowledge of multiplication and division, starting with visual models like arrays and diagrams.Then students will then move to more abstract calculation methods like partial products, the distributive property and standard algorithms.
Students will have a basic understanding of fractions coming into 4th grade. In this unit students will get to explore new ways of representing fractions, including in a set of data, on number lines and using area models. Students will use their knowledge of fractions to compare fractions with like and unlike denominators.
Take a crack at multiplication from a different angle! This book supplies a series of sheets looking at multiplying numbers with flashcards, lattice grids and times tables.
Help your students master the art of two- and three-digit multiplication with these worksheets. Fourth grade multiplication resources that have your kids work backwards helps solidify concepts and fully understand the ins and outs of multiplication and how it relates to place value, division, and the real world. Gifted children may enjoy learning from our fifth grade multiplication resources and teachers may want to take a look at other fourth grade division resources to plan the rest of their year!