Students will be able to count, order, and say what number comes before and after a number from 0-20.
The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments
(20 minutes)
Explain to the students that they will be working with ordering numbers from 0–20 today.
Play the "Count to 20!" video.
Write the word “order” on the board, and explain that order is the arrangement of things in a particular pattern or sequence. You could order some students by their height as an example.
Ask the students to come together and show them the 0–20 Number Line Template. Tell them that they will soon make their own.
Show students how to cut out and glue the number line together.
Display the numbers 1–20 in order and have the whole class count to 20 with you.
Ask the students go back to their desks.
Hand out the Number Line Template, and tell them to begin cutting and gluing.
Go around and assist any struggling students with this task.
When the students are finished, bring them back together to explain the next activity.
When reviewing numbers 0–20, have the students repeat each number after you say it aloud.
Discuss ideas of when students might encounter a number line and ways to use it.