Lesson Plan

Counting to 20: Get 'Em in Order!

Your students will have fun working with numbers to 20 with this exciting and interactive lesson with music, movement, and hands-on experiences!
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Need extra help for EL students? Try the What Number Comes First? pre-lesson.
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Need extra help for EL students? Try the What Number Comes First? pre-lesson.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to count, order, and say what number comes before and after a number from 0-20.

The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments


(20 minutes)
Number Line Template 0-20Number Cards 1-20
  • Explain to the students that they will be working with ordering numbers from 0–20 today.
  • Play the "Count to 20!" video.
  • Write the word “order” on the board, and explain that order is the arrangement of things in a particular pattern or sequence. You could order some students by their height as an example.
  • Ask the students to come together and show them the 0–20 Number Line Template. Tell them that they will soon make their own.
  • Show students how to cut out and glue the number line together.
  • Display the numbers 1–20 in order and have the whole class count to 20 with you.
  • Ask the students go back to their desks.
  • Hand out the Number Line Template, and tell them to begin cutting and gluing.
  • Go around and assist any struggling students with this task.
  • When the students are finished, bring them back together to explain the next activity.


  • When reviewing numbers 0–20, have the students repeat each number after you say it aloud.


  • Discuss ideas of when students might encounter a number line and ways to use it.

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