Weekly Boost
This Week in Kindergarten
Week 32

By this time of year, kindergarteners can phonetically spell long words. Review how to use syllables to do so, then have your child spell one by sounding it out one syllable at a time.
By this time of year, students can phonetically spell long words. Review how to use syllables to do so, then have your class spell one by sounding it out one syllable at a time. For example, cucumber would be spelled cu-cum-ber and butterfly would be but-ter-fly.
Two Syllable Words
Two Syllable Words
Break down words to their very core by counting up syllables! This exercise focuses on two-syllable words that have a double consonant.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Animal Syllables
Animal Syllables
This fun worksheet will help your child learn about syllables, and he'll improve his pre-reading skills along the way!
Reading & Writing
Animal Syllables: 3
Animal Syllables: 3
This worksheet will help your preschooler learn about the concept of syllables and have fun while she's at it!
Reading & Writing
3-D shapes
3-D shapes
Give your child some toothpicks and marshmallows. Let them discover what flat shapes they can construct on their own using toothpicks, then invite them to make solid shapes, like cubes.
Give students toothpicks and marshmallows. Let them discover what flat shapes they can construct on their own using the toothpicks, then invite them to make solid shapes, like cubes.
3D Shapes in the World
3D Shapes in the World
Shapes are everywhere! Use this fun real-world inspired worksheet to practice identifying 3D shapes found in everyday activities.
Shapes Inside Shapes
Lesson plan
Shapes Inside Shapes
Look all around! We can find 2D shapes inside 3D shapes wherever we go! In this lesson, students will sort shapes and recognize the 2D components of common 3D shapes.
Lesson plan
Outer Space Shapes
Lesson plan
Outer Space Shapes
In this fun space themed lesson plan, students will learn practice comparing and contrasting 2D and 3D shapes. This can be used as a stand alone lesson or pre-lesson for the Shapes Inside Shapes lesson plan.
Lesson plan
Plan a poetry reading with your child — and feel free to invite friends and family! Reading poems aloud helps your child improve reading fluency.
Practicing well-loved poems will help your students improve reading fluency. Give students a compilation of the poems they have learned throughout the year. Model how to read them in a singsong, fluent voice.
Complete the Poem: Mr. Bear
Complete the Poem: Mr. Bear
Bunny, sunny, tummy, honey. Kids love to rhyme. Fill in the blanks with the rhyming words to make this poem not only sound great, but make sense too.
Reading & Writing
Humpty Dumpty Rhyme
Humpty Dumpty Rhyme
How many Humpty Dumpty rhymes can you come up with? Get silly with phonics, and switch out the words in Humpty Dumpty for different rhyming words!
Reading & Writing
Find the Letter X: Mix a Pancake
Find the Letter X: Mix a Pancake
How many X's are in the "Mix a Pancake" poem? Kids find and count each letter X in the rhyme on this kindergarten reading worksheet.
Reading & Writing
Persuasive Writing
Persuasive Writing
Invite your child to write about a problem they have observed, along with a potential solution.
Invite students to write about a problem they have observed, along with a potential solution. For example: "Please do not play tag on the climbing structure because it is unsafe. Play tag on the field instead."
Agree or Disagree
Agree or Disagree
People often have different opinions, and it's okay to agree to disagree! Practice identifying opinions with this worksheet.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Sentence Starters: Writing Opinions
Sentence Starters: Writing Opinions
Get started with writing and explaining great opinions with these words.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Supporting Details
Lesson plan
Supporting Details
Your students will try their best to convince their school principal that they need more recess during this letter writing lesson.
Reading & Writing
Lesson plan

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