Search Science Projects: Page 2

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Decaying Food
Decaying Food
Science Project
Decaying Food
Science Project
Hot Ice Science Fair Project
Hot Ice Science Fair Project
Science Project
Hot Ice Science Fair Project
Science Project
Melting Ice
Melting Ice
Science Project
Melting Ice
Science Project
Recycled or New
Recycled or New
Science Project
Recycled or New
Science Project
Saving Hot Water
Saving Hot Water
Science Project
Saving Hot Water
Science Project
Efficient Multi-tasking
Science Project
Efficient Multi-tasking
Determine the efficiency of multi-tasking by comparing how long it takes students to complete different tasks. Collate data, complete Summary Chart.
Social studies
Science Project
Your Dominant Side
Science Project
Your Dominant Side
Research hemispheric brain dominance in order to determine if you have a dominant side. Test foot, ear dominance. Record observations.
Science Project
Split Brain Research
Split Brain Research
Science Project
Split Brain Research
Study the anatomy of the brain and the functions of the corpus callosum. Research split brain surgery and its impact on advances in neuroscience.
Science Project
Brain Lateralization
Brain Lateralization
Science Project
Brain Lateralization
Determine if each hemisphere specializes in dealing with specific functions. Include illustrations of the brain, it hemispheres.
Science Project
Big Brains, Small Brains!
Science Project
Big Brains, Small Brains!
Science fair project that determines whether brain size is correlated with intelligence.
Science Project
Neuron Function
Neuron Function
Science Project
Neuron Function
Science fair project that determines what neurons are, what they do and compiles this vital information in an illustrated book.
Science Project
An Electrical Chemical Machine
Science Project
An Electrical Chemical Machine
Learn the chemistry and physics of the brain, how our nervous system work. Demonstrate that the brain is an electrical and chemical machine.
Social studies
Science Project
Science Project
Science fair project that creates a pamphlet to help others learn about Epilepsy, its causes, symptoms and treatments.
Science Project
Science Project
Science fair project that studies how the brain transforms man-made symbols into meaningful concepts.
Social studies
Science Project
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease
Science Project
Alzheimer's Disease
Research what is known about Alzheimer's disease and its treatment, and then prepare a script for television to educate the public.
Science Project
Music, Tempo and Language Acquisition: Does the Speed of Music Affect the Ability to Retain New Language?
Music, Tempo and Language Acquisition: Does the Speed of Music Affect the Ability to Retain New Language?
Science Project
Music, Tempo and Language Acquisition: Does the Speed of Music Affect the Ability to Retain New Language?
This science fair project idea addresses tempo, and whether faster or slower music works better as a study aid.
Social studies
Science Project
Natural vs. Synthetic Antibiotics: Which Works Better?
Natural vs. Synthetic Antibiotics: Which Works Better?
Science Project
Natural vs. Synthetic Antibiotics: Which Works Better?
This science fair project idea tests the efficacy of both synthetic and natural antibiotics.
Science Project
Oil Spills and Wildlife: The Effect of a Surface Lipid Layer on Organism Survival Rates
Oil Spills and Wildlife: The Effect of a Surface Lipid Layer on Organism Survival Rates
Science Project
Oil Spills and Wildlife: The Effect of a Surface Lipid Layer on Organism Survival Rates
This science fair project idea models industrial oil spills and determines if they have an impact on wildlife living beneath the surface of the water.
Science Project
The Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Ability to Rock and Roll
The Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Ability to Rock and Roll
Science Project
The Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Ability to Rock and Roll
This science fair project idea measures physical dexterity as a function of temperature.
Science Project
Which Wheel Works Best? An Exploration Into Skateboarding
Which Wheel Works Best? An Exploration Into Skateboarding
Science Project
Which Wheel Works Best? An Exploration Into Skateboarding
This science fair project idea determines if material and tensile strength of different types of skateboard wheels affects the velocity of the skateboarder.
Science Project
The Effect of Humidity and Temperature on Percussive Pitch
The Effect of Humidity and Temperature on Percussive Pitch
Science Project
The Effect of Humidity and Temperature on Percussive Pitch
This science fair project idea quantifies the effect of weather- in this case temperature and humidity- on musical instruments.
Science Project
The Effect of Repetition in Sign Language Acquisition in Infants
The Effect of Repetition in Sign Language Acquisition in Infants
Science Project
The Effect of Repetition in Sign Language Acquisition in Infants
This science fair project idea provide quantitative data about how well the use of ASL ( American Sign Language) works in communicating with babies.
Social studies
Science Project
Chicken Science
Science Project
Chicken Science
Describe the lives of commercially raised chickens. Contact local chicken farmers for information and advice. Write a detailed report about farming techniques.
Science Project
The Color Of Your Heartbeat
The Color Of Your Heartbeat
Science Project
The Color Of Your Heartbeat
Test for a correlation between perceived color and heart rate. Using a stethoscope and stop watch, measure the heart rate (beats per minute) of volunteers.
Science Project
Science Project
Study and categorize the functions and types of genes. Run gene experiments chosen from links. Analyze data, explain ideas in a detailed report.
Science Project