Weekly Boost
This Week in Third Grade
Week 40

Similes and Metaphors
Similes and Metaphors
Similes and metaphors are two types of figurative language that your child will study and use in fourth grade. A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using the word "like" or "as." A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things using the word "is" or "are." Similes and metaphors can be confusing, so be sure to support your child by teaching them the most commonly used ones.
Similes and metaphors are two types of figurative language that your students will study and use in fourth grade. A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using the word "like" or "as." A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things using the word "is" or "are." Similes and metaphors can be especially confusing for English language learners. Be sure to support these students by teaching them the most commonly used ones, and including visual supports when possible.
Similes: Clear as Crystal
Similes: Clear as Crystal
As quiet as a mouse or as quiet as a cucumber? Kids will learn the definition of a simile, then use pictures as clues to complete the similes.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Similes: Easy as Pie
Similes: Easy as Pie
If someone loses their glasses, are they as blind as a bee or a bat? This fill-in-the-blank worksheet introduces your child to popular similes.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Introduction to Similes
Lesson plan
Introduction to Similes
This lesson provides a concrete introduction to similes. Students will get a confidence boost after working together and completing some fun and colorful worksheets.
2nd grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson plan
Math Puzzles and Brain Teasers
Math Puzzles and Brain Teasers
Keep your child engaged and focused with fun yet challenging math activities like puzzles and brain teasers. Use them to review the skills and strategies your child has learned and practiced throughout the school year.
As summer approaches, keep your students engaged and focused with fun yet challenging math activities like puzzles and brain teasers. Review the skills and strategies your students have learned and practiced throughout the school year before proudly sending your students to fourth grade.
Multiplication Puzzles
Multiplication Puzzles
What do you get when you rearrange the puzzle pieces? Featuring a colorful cut and paste puzzle activity, this ain't your average multiplication worksheet.
3rd grade
Math Puzzle Mania!
Math Puzzle Mania!
Math maniacs, these challenging puzzles are for you! These four puzzles are tricky, but are a fun and simpler spin-off of the Ken Ken puzzle.
3rd grade
Coral Reef Puzzle
Coral Reef Puzzle
Make multiplication fun with this worksheet that will have your kid build a coral reef, well, a puzzle of one to be precise.
3rd grade
Sharing Stories Aloud
Sharing Stories Aloud
Plays and Reader's Theater are fun ways to evaluate your child's ability to fluently speak in front of others. These activities build kids' fluency and encourage creativity and self expression. Challenge your child to read examples of dramas, then write their own following the structure of the genre, including a cast of characters, stage directions, and dialogue.
Plays and Reader's Theater are fun ways to develop — and evaluate — students' speaking fluency, and encourage creativity and self expression. Challenge your class to read examples of dramas and write their own following the structure of the genre. Encourage them to collaborate and have fun with this activity.
What’s in a Play?
What’s in a Play?
With this worksheet students will define the importance of play vocabulary words and provide examples.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Acting 101: Learning the Parts of a Script
Acting 101: Learning the Parts of a Script
Designed to give students practice on identifying script components, this worksheet is a great way to help students practice their writing fluency.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Play Planner
Play Planner
Use this play planner to give your students a head start on writing their own play!
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Just Keep Learning!
Just Keep Learning!
As kids look ahead to their next school year, it's important that they keep a learning mindset. Connect with your child and support their creativity and writing skills with some fun summer-themed writing activities. Sit back and enjoy seeing how far your young writer has come this year!
As students look ahead to their next school year, it's important that they keep a learning mindset. Connect with your students and let them showcase their creativity and writing skills with engaging summer-themed writing activities. Encourage them to share their work with you and their peers, then sit back and enjoy seeing how far they have come as writers this year.
Summer Writing Prompt #3: Summer Where I Live
Summer Writing Prompt #3: Summer Where I Live
In this summer writing prompt worksheet, children will describe the summer climate where they live.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Summer Writing Prompt #2: What I Like About Summer
Summer Writing Prompt #2: What I Like About Summer
In this summer writing prompt worksheet, children will describe what they like best about summer.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Summer Writing Prompt #8: My Favorite Summer Memory
Summer Writing Prompt #8: My Favorite Summer Memory
In this summer writing prompt worksheet, children will describe a favorite summer memory.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing

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