Weekly Boost
This Week in Fifth Grade
Week 40

Grammar, Punctuation, and Editing Review
Grammar, Punctuation, and Editing Review
Word study skills are easily lost during the summer, so make sure to review them often. Provide opportunities for your child to practice key concepts like punctuation and spelling so that they are prepared for sixth grade. When your child reads a book, make sure to point out specific punctuation, especially difficult ones like semicolons, and discuss their purpose in the sentence.
Don't forget to include word study in your summer review packet! This is one area that is hard to practice without guided activities or focused lessons. Many students have a hard time retaining the grammar skills they learned during the school year, so be sure to choose review worksheets that focus on key skills like puncutation and spelling.
Paragraph Editing
Paragraph Editing
In this paragraph editing page, kids will have a great time editing this love letter from a Victorian gentleman.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Sentences vs. Fragment: Floyd Danger Adventure
Sentences vs. Fragment: Floyd Danger Adventure
In this fast-paced treasure-hunting game, kids identify and construct complete sentences, learning to avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Punctuate Me: Quotation Marks, Punctuation, and Capitalization
Punctuate Me: Quotation Marks, Punctuation, and Capitalization
Learners refine their punctuation skills in this grammar and mechanics worksheet.
4th grade
Reading & Writing
Summer Review Packet
Summer Review Packet
Encourage your rising sixth grader to review fifth grade math concepts over the summer. The sixth grade Common Core math standards include a lot of geometry and pre-algebra, so provide practice pages that review the order of operations and angle measurements. Your child will also continue to see fractions and decimals as they move on to middle school, so review these concepts as well.
Encourage rising sixth graders to review fifth grade math concepts over the summer. The sixth grade Common Core math standards include a lot of geometry and pre-algebra, so provide practice pages that review the order of operations and angle measurements. Students will also continue to see fractions and decimals as they move on to middle school, so review these concepts as well.
Adding Decimals
Adding Decimals
Children practice adding integers and decimals to the thousandths place in this practice worksheet.
5th grade
Mixed Word Problems with RDW Strategy
Lesson plan
Mixed Word Problems with RDW Strategy
This end-of-the-school-year lesson will get the students focused on all the things they learned in math class! It reviews different skills with fractions and decimals in word problems using the "Read, Draw, and Write" strategy.
5th grade
Lesson plan
Word Problem Creation
Lesson plan
Word Problem Creation
Have students show their understanding of various operations within word problems in this lesson! Use this lesson as a standalone lesson or as support for the lesson Mixed Word Problems with RDW Strategy.
5th grade
Lesson plan
Discovering Different Genres
Discovering Different Genres
Generate enthusiasm about summer reading by taking a virtual trip to the bookstore or library. Encourage your child to research books they'd like to read by asking friends or by looking up new titles online. Build a reading wish list and have your child check off the books they read from the list. Or, wrap a few books in wrapping paper and have your child choose an unknown book. Challenge your child to try out the book to read different genres.
Challenge your students to read different genres during the summer. Kids tend to gravitate toward their favorite types of books, so encourage them to mix it up! Review the components and features of various genres, and provide them with a chart to keep track of the titles they read. Many public libraries offer reading lists by grade level, so you may be able to suggest this as a resource for your students. Encourage parents to talk with their children about the books they are reading to help avoid the "summer slide."
Fantasy Genre Discussion Cards
Fantasy Genre Discussion Cards
Use these discussion cards to get your students talking about the elements that are unique to the fantasy genre.
4th grade
Reading & Writing
Comparing Nonfiction Text Features
Lesson plan
Comparing Nonfiction Text Features
Not all nonfiction texts on the same topic are created equal! Using this lesson plan, your class will become familiar with nonfiction features by comparing and contrasting texts on a shared topic.
5th grade
Lesson plan
Text Features Evaluation
Lesson plan
Text Features Evaluation
Use this lesson to help your ELs evaluate the purpose of text features and justify their answers. It can be a stand-alone lesson or used as support for the lesson Comparing Nonfiction Text Features.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson plan
Summer Journal and Letter Writing
Summer Journal and Letter Writing
Writing is an essential skill for kids of all ages. Keep your child writing this summer with fun learning activities, such as summary writing, personal narrative writing, letter writing, and journal writing. Let your child pick out a new journal with a fun cover, then give them a list of topic choices. Have them write at least two to three times per week over the summer. Don't forget to encourage freeform writing, too!
Writing is an essential skill for students. Keep them writing this summer with fun learning activities, such as summary writing, personal narrative writing, story element identification, letter writing, and journal writing. Give students a list of choices, and encourage them to write at least two to three times per week over the summer.
Comic Book Writing: Superhero Showdown
Comic Book Writing: Superhero Showdown
What's going on in this superhero comic strip? The adventures are up to your learner, as they fill in captions and word bubbles with comic book writing.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Letter from Camp
Letter from Camp
Is your fifth grader trying overnight camp this summer? If so, prepare your child for writing a letter home with this activity!
5th grade
Letter Checklist
Letter Checklist
There are a lot of parts to a letter. This checklist helps students ensure they have a complete and polished piece of correspondence. It includes the main parts of a letter; conventions; format; and tips for how to choose a closing.
4th grade
Reading & Writing

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