Search 1st Grade Science Projects: Page 3

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71 filtered results
1st grade
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Experimenting with Ant Food: Do Ants Have Favorite Flavors?
Experimenting with Ant Food: Do Ants Have Favorite Flavors?
Science Project
Experimenting with Ant Food: Do Ants Have Favorite Flavors?
People have favorite flavors, but what about ants? Which ant food is the most popular?
1st grade
Science Project
What Do Worms Eat? A Compost Project
What Do Worms Eat? A Compost Project
Science Project
What Do Worms Eat? A Compost Project
What do worms eat? Kids find out what kinds of rotting leaves and vegetables worms prefer in this cool compost science fair project.
1st grade
Science Project
Watching Birds at a Sit Spot
Watching Birds at a Sit Spot
Science Project
Watching Birds at a Sit Spot
Learn how to be a bird scientist in this simple project of watching feathered friends in their habitat.
1st grade
Science Project
Shadow Science: What Makes Shade Shift?
Shadow Science: What Makes Shade Shift?
Science Project
Shadow Science: What Makes Shade Shift?
What makes your shadow dance around all day? Let's play detective and find out why that sneaky shadow never stays in one place for long.
1st grade
Science Project
Word Color Association: Are You Feeling Orange?
Word Color Association: Are You Feeling Orange?
Science Project
Word Color Association: Are You Feeling Orange?
Word color association is just a fancy way to talk about the way we connect colors with words.
1st grade
Social studies
Science Project
Candy Science: A Halloween Experiment
Candy Science: A Halloween Experiment
Science Project
Candy Science: A Halloween Experiment
With Halloween right around the corner, find a way to use your brain and reward your tummy with a new type of science -- candy science!
1st grade
Science Project
Sour Taste Testing: When Life Gives You Lemons
Sour Taste Testing: When Life Gives You Lemons
Science Project
Sour Taste Testing: When Life Gives You Lemons
Are your taste buds up for the challenge? Put tongues to the test with this science fair project that examines who enjoys sour flavors more, adults or kids?
1st grade
Science Project
Water Flow Design: Race to the Finish
Water Flow Design: Race to the Finish
Science Project
Water Flow Design: Race to the Finish
Can you dig it? This science experiment isn't for kids who like to keep their hands clean.
1st grade
Science Project
Magic Comb
Magic Comb
Science Project
Magic Comb
This science fair idea is a great way for kids to explore static electricity. Kids will give a comb a static charge and watch as it separates pepper from salt.
1st grade
Science Project
Floating Rocks
Floating Rocks
Science Project
Floating Rocks
With this cool floating rocks project, your child will get some hands-on experience with buoyancy and learn why certain rocks like pumice are able to float.
1st grade
Science Project
Corrosiveness of Soda
Corrosiveness of Soda
Science Project
Corrosiveness of Soda
Kids will explore the corrosiveness of soda in this cool science fair project by leaving pennies submerged in soda overnight.
1st grade
Science Project
How Tall Am I?
How Tall Am I?
Science Project
How Tall Am I?
Kids often ask, "how tall am I?" This science fair project seeks to determine how well kids can guess their own heights.
1st grade
Social studies
Science Project
What is Surface Tension?
What is Surface Tension?
Science Project
What is Surface Tension?
What is surface tension? Kids will discover how water-skating insects use surface tension to keep from sinking by making a model water walker.
1st grade
Science Project
Candy or Medicine?
Candy or Medicine?
Science Project
Candy or Medicine?
Uh-oh! Is that a pill sitting on the counter or a piece of candy?
1st grade
Science Project
Insulation Experiment: Keep Your Body Warm
Insulation Experiment: Keep Your Body Warm
Science Project
Insulation Experiment: Keep Your Body Warm
In this insulation experiment, you'll learn which clothes keep you warm in the cold, and which make you shiver.
1st grade
Science Project
Make Slime! How to Create a Colloid
Make Slime! How to Create a Colloid
Science Project
Make Slime! How to Create a Colloid
Slime: It's oozy, it's goopy, and it's just plain fun! Learn how to make slime with this fun science fair project.
1st grade
Science Project
Bird Seed Science: Do Birds Prefer Certain Colors?
Bird Seed Science: Do Birds Prefer Certain Colors?
Science Project
Bird Seed Science: Do Birds Prefer Certain Colors?
Why does purple cheese look nasty? Because color plays a big part in how we perceive the taste of different foods. Are birds just like us in this respect?
1st grade
Science Project
Earthworms and Plant Growth - Are They Related?
Earthworms and Plant Growth - Are They Related?
Science Project
Earthworms and Plant Growth - Are They Related?
Wiggly worms are known for staying buried in the soil, but how does that affect plants? Are earthworms and plant growth related?
1st grade
Science Project
Cinnamon Bug Repellent: Sweet Relief?
Cinnamon Bug Repellent: Sweet Relief?
Science Project
Cinnamon Bug Repellent: Sweet Relief?
Cinnamon is tasty, but does it have super powers as well? Find out if cinnamon can repel mosquitoes in this outdoorsy experiment.
1st grade
Science Project
Density Experiment
Density Experiment
Science Project
Density Experiment
This is a quick, easy science fair project that conveys the idea of density to preschool and early elementary children.
1st grade
Science Project
Leaf Rubbings: Shapes and Patterns
Leaf Rubbings: Shapes and Patterns
Science Project
Leaf Rubbings: Shapes and Patterns
In this project combining nature, art, math, and science, children make rubbings of leaves then observe shapes and structures and sort the leaf images.
1st grade
Science Project