Weekly Boost
This Week in Kindergarten
Week 31

Vowel Review
Vowel Review
Offer your child plenty of practice using both long and short vowels. Keep in mind that young readers who rely heavily on visual cues may get stuck on vowel sounds.
Offer vowel review activities to reinforce student understanding of long and short vowel sounds. Keep in mind that young readers who rely heavily on visual cues may get stuck on vowel sounds.
Long and Short Vowels: "A"
Long and Short Vowels: "A"
With this worksheet, your child will match picture names to creatures representing short "A" and long "A" vowel sounds, then glue the pictures to the page.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Short Vowel Sort
Short Vowel Sort
What short vowel do you hear? Kids must sort by sound in this phonics game.
Reading & Writing
Long Vowel Review
Long Vowel Review
What does a long vowel sound like? Students will sound out four words and choose which words have a long vowel.
Reading & Writing
3-D Shapes
3-D Shapes
Go on a 3-D shapes scavenger hunt in your home! See if your child can find cones, cubes, and other 3-D shapes among your household objects.
Start a classroom collection of solid shapes to refer to throughout your 3-D unit by asking students to bring in examples of everyday items, such as soup cans and boxes of cereal.
Super Shapes: 3-D Shape Drawing
Super Shapes: 3-D Shape Drawing
Boost geometry knowledge and enhance creativity with this fun math worksheet.
1st grade
Sort 2D and 3D Shapes
Sort 2D and 3D Shapes
Can your kid tell the difference between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes? Kindergarten is a good time to start!
3D Shapes in Real Life
3D Shapes in Real Life
To get a better handle on 3-D shapes, ask your kid to match them up to real world objects.
1st grade
Book Talks
Book Talks
Help your child talk about books by using prompts such as: I notice... I wonder... I think...
Offer students "book talk" sentence frames to use when reading with buddies: I notice... I wonder... I think...
My Bike: Level C
My Bike: Level C
In this activity, kids can read about a bike ride around town while following along with the text.
Reading & Writing
Give a Book Talk!
Give a Book Talk!
Engage students in reading by having them share books with peers. Students prepare for giving a book talk in which they'll describe what happens in the book, their favorite part, and whether or not they would recommend the book to a friend.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Your Favorite Book
Your Favorite Book
Kids share their favorite books and practice comprehension in this worksheet.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Correspondence Letters
Correspondence Letters
This week, have your child write a letter to a friend or family member. It's great writing practice!
Ask students to write a letter about a real-world problem. A great way to introduce this is to have students write letters to the principal about extra things they would like for recess (chalk, bubbles, jump ropes). Give them the framework: "We need more things for recess because..."
Book Pen Pals
Book Pen Pals
It’s fun to learn about books with friends! One of the best ways to get motivated to read is to get book recommendations. This worksheet helps students do just that in the format of a friendly letter.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Sharing Kind Wishes: Letter
Sharing Kind Wishes: Letter
This social emotional worksheet is all about sending kind wishes to someone to let them know they are loved and appreciated. Using heartfulness, students will write a letter to a classmate or friend that describes why they are thankful for them.
Write A Letter
Write A Letter
Although most people communicate through the internet these days, writing a letter is an important skill to know!
Reading & Writing

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