Search 1st Grade Lesson Plans

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1st grade
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Common and Proper Noun Scavenger Hunt
Common and Proper Noun Scavenger Hunt
Lesson Plan
Common and Proper Noun Scavenger Hunt
Students will take part in a scavenger hunt as they look around the school for common and proper nouns.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Fun With Blends
Fun With Blends
Lesson Plan
Fun With Blends
Give your students the extra motivation they need to master consonant blends. Hook them in with this exciting lesson on the L blend. Expose them to beginning blends such as FL, SL, CL, GL, and BL.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Sink or Float
Sink or Float
Lesson Plan
Sink or Float
Introduce your students to the scientific concept of sink or float. This hands-on experiment allows them to see which objects sink and which float. The concepts taught will be solidified with the completion of worksheets.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Popping Numbers
Popping Numbers
Lesson Plan
Popping Numbers
Pop into place! This lessons builds your students' knowledge of numbers, their place value, and how to write them correctly.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Art Subtraction
Art Subtraction
Lesson Plan
Art Subtraction
Practice subtraction with art! Help early learners grasp the concept of "taking away" using drawings. This lesson helps students work toward subtraction with numerals, and the mastery of simple shapes.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Growing Kindness In Ourselves and Others
Growing Kindness In Ourselves and Others
Lesson Plan
Growing Kindness In Ourselves and Others
Circle up! In this lesson, students will use the circle structure to explore how they can grow kindness inside of themselves and in others.
1st grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
What is Culture?
What is Culture?
Lesson Plan
What is Culture?
Help your students become global citizens with this lesson that teaches the about culture. Students will explore their culture and the cultures of their classmates in this engaging, hands-on activity.
1st grade
Social studies
Lesson Plan
Which is Your Favorite Season?
Which is Your Favorite Season?
Lesson Plan
Which is Your Favorite Season?
Use this lesson to teach your students about the appropriate wardrobe for the different seasons. Also, teach them about the wonderful holidays of each season!
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Sub Plans for First Grade
Sub Plans for First Grade
Lesson Plan
Sub Plans for First Grade
Get ready to learn all about animals! In this week, students will learn about animals that live in different habitats. They will connect to literacy through classic stories like the Three Little Pigs and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
What Happened?
What Happened?
Lesson Plan
What Happened?
Help your students' story telling abilities grow with this lesson that helps them recount what happened in a story and has them point out key details.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Adding it All Up
Adding it All Up
Lesson Plan
Adding it All Up
In this lesson, students will learn how to add a one-digit number to a two-digit number. This will help students build upon the skills needed for regrouping larger numbers.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Subtraction Strategies
Subtraction Strategies
Lesson Plan
Subtraction Strategies
Get your students synthesizing various subtraction strategies as they work with a partner to solve word problems. This lesson can be used alone or with the lesson plan Show Me the Money! Two-Digit Subtraction.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Show Me the Money! Two-Digit Subtraction
Show Me the Money! Two-Digit Subtraction
Lesson Plan
Show Me the Money! Two-Digit Subtraction
Who doesn’t like to spend money and plan parties? Students will subtract two-digit numbers as they calculate the remaining money for their party supplies. They will subtract in multiples of ten and focus on place value.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Let's Stretch the Values! Writing Two-Digit Numbers in Expanded Form
Let's Stretch the Values! Writing Two-Digit Numbers in Expanded Form
Lesson Plan
Let's Stretch the Values! Writing Two-Digit Numbers in Expanded Form
What does it mean to expand a number? Use this lesson plan to help your students understand how to write the expanded form of two-digit numbers.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Identifying Living and Nonliving Things
Identifying Living and Nonliving Things
Lesson Plan
Identifying Living and Nonliving Things
Teach your students about living and nonliving things with this interactive lesson that keeps your class engaged as they learn!
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Life Cycle of a Plant
Life Cycle of a Plant
Lesson Plan
Life Cycle of a Plant
From seed to flower, students will learn all about the life cycle of a plant in this science lesson. Your class will discover what living things need to grow, and learn the various stages of a plant’s life span, with new vocabulary words.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Parts of a Plant
Parts of a Plant
Lesson Plan
Parts of a Plant
Root, stem, flower, leaf! In this hands-on science lesson, your students will create their own plants to help them identify and remember the parts of a plant.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: A Home Inside
Mindfulness: A Home Inside
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: A Home Inside
We all have our own home of feelings inside, like a shell that we can tuck into when needed. This we learn from turtles, and now your students can too. This lesson helps students access that place inside full of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
1st grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Inflectional Endings: -ing and -ed
Inflectional Endings: -ing and -ed
Lesson Plan
Inflectional Endings: -ing and -ed
Wondering how to teach your second graders about inflectional endings? Look no further. After playing with dice and learning through song, your students will be adding -ing and -ed like pros.
1st grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Place Value Party
Place Value Party
Lesson Plan
Place Value Party
Now that your first graders are able to count consecutively, introduce them to the tens and ones place values. Using tens and ones blocks will make math easy and fun for everyone!
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Scavenger Hunt Addition
Scavenger Hunt Addition
Lesson Plan
Scavenger Hunt Addition
Get your students moving with this activity that helps them practice their addition skills while having fun hunting for their next problem.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Do I Need It? Wants vs. Needs
Do I Need It? Wants vs. Needs
Lesson Plan
Do I Need It? Wants vs. Needs
If you ask your students if they need ice cream, the answer may surprise you! In this lesson, your students will be able differentiate between wants and needs.
1st grade
Social studies
Lesson Plan
Caring for Our Classroom Community
Caring for Our Classroom Community
Lesson Plan
Caring for Our Classroom Community
In this lesson, students will discuss what it means to care for others, practice heartfulness and create a kindness bear puppet.
1st grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Dividing Clay Shapes
Dividing Clay Shapes
Lesson Plan
Dividing Clay Shapes
Students will use their hands to mold clay into shapes, then divide those shapes into equal and unequal quarters.
1st grade
Lesson Plan
Determining Relative Size: Measure Up!
Determining Relative Size: Measure Up!
Lesson Plan
Determining Relative Size: Measure Up!
The world is their measuring stick! In this lesson, students will practice measuring objects using the world around them for units of measurement.
1st grade
Lesson Plan

Search 1st Grade Lesson Plans

First grade is an exciting time for children as they move past the basics and begin to be introduced to reading & writing, science, and social studies.'s stimulating first grade lesson plans outline instructions and provide teachers a wide assortment of materials that can be used to tackle every subject to trigger students' learning.